Profile Series Display Panels
All of our Profile Series of monitoring and display panels feature our exclusive
EZ-Profile software algorithm. This feature signifcantly improves the accuracy
of the displayed tank level by correcting for sensor type and tank shape. You can read more
about EZ-Profile in the following PDF file:
(57kb). A quick summary of basic features for all of our display panels can be read here:
Scroll down (or click on a
Quick Link
below) to review the rest of the features for
all display panels in our Profile Series. Once you have selected your display, put it
into your online shopping cart by clicking on the appropriate Add To Cart button, then
go to our
Tank Sensors
page to select the sensors for your system.
When you are finished shopping, click on the View Cart button at the upper right of
each page to begin checkout.
We have updated the firmware for our Profile Series 8-tank and Legacy display
panels. For further information
Click Here.
Display Panel Quick Links:
Legacy 8 Tank Monitoring & Display Panel on Standard 6 Inch Faceplate.
Legacy 8 Tank Monitoring & Display Panel on 7 Inch Faceplate.
Solo 1 Tank Monitoring & Display Panel.
Under-counter Solo 1 Tank Monitoring & Display Panel.
Profile Legacy Display Panel (6 Inch Standard Width)
When our customers needed a smaller display we re-designed our original Profile 8 tank
display into this smaller package. While smaller in size, we made no compromises with
our Legacy display as it runs the identical control software as our larger panel--
including our exclusive EZ-Profile algorithm.
Basic Features:
- Runs version 2.0 of our EZ-Profile algorithm which corrects displayed tank level for tank shape and sensor type.
- Monitors up to 8 different fluid tanks.
- Displays data on a backlit 4x20 text LCD.
- Multi-Tank display shows fluid levels for up to 8 tanks as 12 position vertical bar graphs (see upper center graphic).
- Detailed tank dispay with 24 position bar graph and tank status message (see upper right graphic).
- Autonomous tank monitoring on a user defined interval.
- Tank out-of-bounds fluid level alert light lights up when any monitored tank drifts either too high (waste tank) or too
low (fresh tank)
(>85% of calibrated full and <15% of calibrated empty).
- Tank high/low audible and visual alerts (audible alert disableable at night).
- If enabled, LPG level is displayed on Multi-Tank View.
- Compatible with all of our capacitive sensors, most capacitive sensors manufactured by
other companies, 33-240Ω float sensors, & 0-90Ω LPG sensors.
- All panel operating parameters can be set by the user through a series of easy to follow menus.
- Display ships with an inline 1A fuse for power and 4-510Ω resistors for possible float sensors.
- Overall panel dimensions: 6.0" wide by 3.8" tall.
Note: this panel is also available mounted on a 7.0" wide by 3.8" tall faceplate, see
immediately below.
Downloadable User Documentation:
(126kb) Product manual for the Profile Series 8-tank and Legacy display panels
featuring our Profile 2 algorithm (Firmware Rev. 3.1a).
(85kb) Drawings for panel cutout and mounting holes for our Legacy display panels.
(17kb) Specific instructions for attaching Profile Series 8-tank or Legacy
display panels to existing needle gauge/float sensor systems.
(17kb) Specific instructions for parallel hookup of a Profile Series 8-tank or Legacy
display panel and a SOLO display panel to a single tank sensor.
To Purchase This Tank Monitor:
$329.95 |
PROFILE-LEGACY-6, Profile Series Legacy display panel on 6 inch wide faceplate. |
Next go to our
Tank Sensors
page to select the sensors for your system (make sure to check out the bulk packaged external sensors
for discounted pricing).
(back display index)
Profile Legacy Display Panel (7 Inch Width)
This Profile Legacy display variant is identical to our standard Legacy display (see above) but is built
onto a faceplate whose dimensions match that of a Snake River Electronics old Ultra-8 display. This
makes the Legacy 7 a popular option for owners to upgrade or replace damaaged Ultra-8 displays.
Basic Features:
- Runs version 2.0 of our EZ-Profile algorithm which corrects displayed tank level for tank shape and sensor type.
- Monitors up to 8 different fluid tanks.
- Displays data on a backlit 4x20 text LCD.
- Multi-Tank display shows fluid levels for up to 8 tanks as 12 position vertical bar graphs (see upper center graphic).
- Detailed tank dispay with 24 position bar graph and tank status message (see upper right graphic).
- Autonomous tank monitoring on a user defined interval.
- Tank out-of-bounds fluid level alert light lights up when any monitored tank drifts either too high (waste tank) or too
low (fresh tank)
(>85% of calibrated full and <15% of calibrated empty).
- Tank high/low audible and visual alerts (audible alert disableable at night).
- If enabled, LPG level is displayed on Multi-Tank View.
- Compatible with all of our capacitive sensors, most capacitive sensors manufactured by
other companies, 33-240Ω float sensors, & 0-90Ω LPG sensors.
- All panel operating parameters can be set by the user through a series of easy to follow menus.
- Display ships with an inline 1A fuse for power and 4-510Ω resistors for possible float sensors.
- Overall panel dimensions: 7.0" wide by 3.8" tall.
Of Particular Interest to Potential Snake River Electronics Ultra-8 Replacement Customers:
- 4x20 LCD Display is backlit to make easier to read in low-light conditions.
- Calibration routine not locked out.
- Display is compatible with all previously installed Snake River sensors and industry-standard float-sensors.
- Display will mount into existing Ultra-8 panel hole and use existing screw holes.
Downloadable User Documentation:
(126kb) Product manual for the Profile Series 8-tank and Legacy display panels
featuring our Profile 2 algorithm (Firmware Rev. 3.1a).
(85kb) Drawings for panel cutout and mounting holes for our Legacy display panels.
(17kb) Specific instructions for attaching Profile Series 8-tank or Legacy
display panels to existing needle gauge/float sensor systems.
(17kb) Specific instructions for parallel hookup of a Profile Series 8-tank or Legacy
display panel and a SOLO display panel to a single tank sensor.
(18kb) Guide for upgrading Hunter Marine boat models from the old Snake River Electronics
Ultra-8 display panel (original equipment on Hunter boats until 2004).
To Purchase This Tank Monitor:
$329.95 |
PROFILE-LEGACY-7, Profile Series Legacy display panel on 7 inch wide faceplate. |
Next go to our
Tank Sensors
page to select the sensors for your system (make sure to check out the bulk packaged external sensors
for discounted pricing).
(back display index)
Profile SOLO Display Panels
When you need to monitor a single tank our SOLO display panel may just be what you are
looking for. This panel also runs a simplified version of our EZ-Profile
algorithm for maximum displayed accuracy.
SOLO display panels are available in several models. All models display the tank level
when the read button is pressed and there are two models which also feature autonomous
monitoring. On these panels, a red warning light warns you when the tank level either gets
too high (warn-on-full), or too low (warn-on-empty).
When installed in the head on your boat, the warning light on the warn-on-full SOLO
panel can serve as a valuable "do not flush" light warning to you or your guests that the waste
tank level is getting too high. This can be a great option even if you already have a Legacy display
because it also gives a LOCAL warning of an overfull condition.
If you would prefer a SOLO display module which mounts under-counter, scroll down to
the the next section or click
Basic Features:
- Runs a simplified version of our EZ-Profile algorithm which corrects displayed tank level for tank shape and sensor type.
- Monitors one tank.
- Tank level displayed in quarters.
- Optional autonomous tank monitoring (alarm on full, alarm on empty, or no alarm variant displays available below).
- On monitored displays: tank high/low fluid level alert light (high light lights at >85% of calibrated full
& empty light lights at <15% of calibrated empty).
- Compatible with all of our capacitive sensors, most capacitive sensors manufactured by
other companies, & 33-240Ω float sensors.
- Push button empty and full calibration.
- Display ships with an inline 1A fuse for power.
- Overall panel dimensions: 3.5" wide by 2.0" tall.
Downloadable User Documentation:
(69kb) Product manual for all models of the Profile Series SOLO (1 tank) display
panels and under-counter display modules.
(49kb) Drawings for panel cutout and mounting holes for our SOLO display panels.
(17kb) Specific instructions for parallel hookup of a Profile Series 8-tank or Legacy
display panel and a SOLO display panel to a single tank sensor.
Purchase Options For The SOLO Tank Monitor:
SOLO Display Bundled with a standard external sensor kit:
Note: Each of the options below are shipped as a complete kit which includes a SOLO
display panel and a standard non-contact sensor. If you do not need this sensor or if you need a
different sensor the SOLO may be purchased alone immediately below.
(back display index)
SOLO Display alone (no included sensor):
Note: Each of the options below are shipped as a bare SOLO
display panel without sensor. This option is useful if your have a metal tank which requires
a internal rod sensor, or if you already have a float sensor installed, or if your are replacing
a damaged SOLO display. Once you have selected your display, go to our
Tank Sensors page to select the sensor to fit your application.
Next go to our
Tank Sensors
page to select the sensors for your system.
(back to display index)
Profile Solo Display Module For Under-Counter Installation
This version of our popular SOLO tank monitor and display is functionally identical
to the SOLO display panels described above--it is just housed in a sturdy ABS enclosure for
easy under-counter or under-cabinet installation.
Of all our tank monitors and displays, this is by far the easiest to install as there is no
panel cutout to make. To mount it you just need 4 screws.
Additionally, the Empty and Full calibration buttons have been hidden away inside of this
units housing thereby preventing inadvertent re-calibration or re-configuration by children
or curious guests.
As stated above: when installed in the head on your boat, the warning light on the warn-on-full
Undercounter SOLO display can serve as a valuable "do not flush" light warning to you
or your guests that the waste tank level is getting too high. This can be a great option even if you
already have a Legacy display because it also gives a LOCAL warning of an overfull condition.
Basic Features:
- Runs a simplified version of our EZ-Profile algorithm which corrects displayed tank level for tank shape and sensor type.
- Monitors one tank.
- Tank level displayed in quarters.
- Optional autonomous tank monitoring (alarm on full, alarm on empty, or no alarm variant displays available below).
- On monitored displays: tank high/low fluid level alert light (high light lights at >85% of calibrated full
& empty light lights at <15% of calibrated empty).
- Compatible with all of our capacitive sensors, most capacitive sensors manufactured by
other companies, & 33-240Ω float sensors.
- Push button empty and full calibration.
- Display module ships with a 36” wiring harness with an inline 1A fuse for power and lead wires
for power, ground, sensor power, and sensor signal return.
- Overall module dimensions: 4 5/16" wide (measured at the mounting flange) by 1 5/8" tall by
2 1/2" deep
- Visible face dimensions: 3 1/8" wide by 1 5/8" tall.
Possible Customization Options:
We redesigned the circuit board for the Undercounter SOLO display module to add features
which can tailor this unit into several alarm or controller applications.. We have made versions of this unit
to serve as autofill or autodrain controllers, it has also been used in a commercial application to light an external
alarm light when a waste tank reached a full condition, and we had a customer use one as a bilge pump
controller when paired with a PVC sensor rod. Use your imagination, likely we can come up with something
useful together. Have a unique problem to solve or cool idea? Contact us at
to discuss it.
New Hardware Additions:
- Internal relay capable of a 10A load (NO or NC and COM brought out on the wiring harness) .
- External Relay (automotive relay added to wiring harness) capable of upto a 20A load.
- Audible alarm (note: the internal relay and audible alarm cannot be selected together).
Downloadable User Manual:
(69kb) Product manual for all models of the Profile Series SOLO (1 tank) display
panels and under-counter display modules.
(17kb) Specific instructions for parallel hookup of a Profile Series 8-tank or Legacy
display panel and a SOLO display panel to a single tank sensor.
Purchase Options For This Tank Monitor:
Undercounter SOLO Display Bundled with a standard external sensor kit:
Note: Each of the options below are shipped as a complete kit which includes a Undercounter SOLO
display panel and a standard non-contact sensor. If you do not need this sensor or if you need a
different sensor the Undercounter SOLO may be purchased alone immediately below.
Undercounter SOLO Display alone (no included sensor):
Note: Each of the options below are shipped as a bare Undercounter SOLO
display panel without sensor. This option is useful if your have a metal tank which requires
a internal rod sensor, or if you already have a float sensor installed, or if your are replacing
a damaged Undercounter SOLO display. Once you have selected your display, go to our
Tank Sensors page to select the sensor to fit your application.
(back display index)